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After Christmas ReturnsWait a week or so before making after-Christmas returns. Lines will be shorter, stores will be more re-stocked, and you will have had a chance to get an idea what you want to buy with the cash or gift-card you will get.
By Linda
Christmas Breakfast CasseroleMake a breakfast casserole on Christmas eve that you can pop into the oven while your family opens gifts having coffee and cocoa.
Wood Stove Sales After ChristmasWood stoves come on sale after Christmas. I first purchased one that was not welded together. Big Mistake! Downdrafts would fill the house with fumes while we slept. I got rid of it for one that is sealed.
The New Year's Angel To The RescueThe month of December is a stressful month for children. It leads to squabbling. My father said they opened 1 gift on Christmas and the rest on New Year's Day. The New Year's angel came to our house starting the first of December.
An After Christmas TraditionAfter I moved off to college, my family started a new tradition. Every year we'll all get together the week after Christmas in a city that's about equal distance for all of us. We'll stay in a nice hotel, watch as many movies as we can, do some shopping, go to a museum or two, and catch up. This is when we exchange our family gifts.
Congratulate Yourself After The HolidaysCongratulate yourself for pulling off another "holiday" with a treat-massage, facial, pedicure etc.
Celebrating Christmas With My Italian RelativesBecause we now have 4 generations of relatives we hire a hall. We do this about the 2nd Sunday of December. That way everyone knows every year when to plan to celebrate.