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Save Energy With LED Christmas LightsIt may be time to retire some of the large incandescent Christmas lights you have been bringing out every year. You can save a bundle on your power bill by switching to LED Christmas lights.
The Reason For The SeasonThe Reason For The Season. I think the most important Christmas tip I can come up with is relax and enjoy! Remember what Christmas is really all about. It's not about stressing and over-spending.
Reusing Old Christmas Cards (Holiday Craft Idea)Reusing Old Christmas Cards (Holiday Craft Idea). When my sister and I were kids, we didn't have a lot of money in our family. We didn't know it and still had a ton of fun!
Wooden Spoon DeerHere's a fun craft made from 5 wooden spoons, pom poms, felt, ribbon, glue, bells and other trims.
The Perfect Gifts Don't Have to Cost a FortuneWe've all heard that it's the thought that counts, but what could have more thought than a handmade gift. The craft-impaired need not worry. These gifts are easy, cheap, and perfect for the holidays (any of them!)
Christmas Tree PicnicWhen the Christmas tree is up, place a blanket near the tree, turn off the lights and have a picnic. Soft Christmas tree lights, great food and a special person to enjoy it with!
The Best Christmas Movies and TV Specials?I would like to know your favorite Christmas TV special and/or movie.