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Milkweed Ornaments (Tiny Holy Village)It's not too late to scan your woods for dried materials to use in crafting. In western PA, I discovered a treasure trove of milkweed pods this year and have found the teardrop shape lends itself to many things.
Keeping Someone from Buying an Item You Bought Them for Christmas?How do you tell someone not to buy something because you already bought it for them without them knowing that you bought it for them? This is for a Christmas present for my sister ...
"Nursery Rhyme Christmas" Christmas Parade Float?Our Christmas parade theme is "Nursery Rhyme Christmas", and I need help. I work for a recycling group, and we want our float to fit the theme. Any ideas?
"Fantasy" Themed Christmas Parade Float Ideas?Do you have any ideas about a fantasy float for our lighted Christmas parade?
Woman's Day Magazine Wine Cork Christmas Tree?Does anyone have the pattern or directions to a Christmas tree made of wine corks? It was in Woman's Day, Dec. 5, 2006 issue.
Painting Artificial Christmas Tree White?Can I paint a green artificial Christmas tree white? How can I do that?
Ideas for Church Christmas Party Games?I need some ideas for a Christmas party for our SS class at church, most of class are senior citizen age. Ideas for games, decorations etc. will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.