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Homemade Egg Nog RecipesA favorite holiday beverage that can be home made. This page contains homemade eggnog recipes.
Pre-lit Christmas Tree Lights Not WorkingYou plug the tree in but not all the lights are shining. This can be a frustrating situation, especially if the tree is only 2-3 years old. Often, a Christmas light tester is the easiest way to locate the problem area. This page is about pre-lit Christmas tree lights not working.
Making a Clay Pot Holiday SoldierThis is a page about making a clay pot holiday soldier. Clay pots are fun to use for making decorative "people", whether Santas, snowmen, or a toy soldier.
Christmas Decorating Ideas for Office DoorThis page contains Christmas decorating ideas for your office door. When you are working in an office, it's fun to add some seasonal decor to your door.
Christmas ChandelierI spiced up my dining room light by adding a homemade wreath to the bottom of it. It was simple and cheap and I think it looks nice and homey!