
Gingerbread House Gift Bags

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Gingerbread House Gift Bags - two finished bagsI wanted to put my own touch on gift bags for friends. Since it is the season for great baking (gingerbread men), I chose to take regular bags and craft paper, and washi tape to make fun one of a kind bags. Here's how:



Gingerbread House Gift Bags - cookie cutters, ribbon, and hole punch


  1. Take cardstock and cut 4 - 4 x 6 in. pieces. Glue down the 4 x 6" piece starting at the top of your bag.
  2. Gingerbread House Gift Bags - sheets of craft paper
  3. Use colorful washi tape to outline the door and window on the front side of your bag. Use some glitter washi to add flair.
  4. Gingerbread House Gift Bags - paper glued to the bag and washi tape around the roof and closeup of door and lower edge trim
    Gingerbread House Gift Bags - four bags with roof and doors finished
  5. Using colorful ribbon and cookie cutter, attach to bag, fold over, and attach a piece of washi to close.
  6. Gingerbread House Gift Bags - punching a hole for the ribbon
    Gingerbread House Gift Bags - folding the bag over
    Gingerbread House Gift Bags - tied with a blue ribbon with a cookie cutter attached

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