Fashion Christmas trees from fabric scraps to use as ornaments or gift tags on presents.
Approximate Time: 20-30 minutes or less
Cut desired pattern shape (i.e. Christmas tree, star, circle, etc.) from cardboard or poster board.
Select the fabric for your ornament (use a different fabric for each side or make each side from the same print).
Place your pattern on the wrong side of the fabric(s) and trace with pencil or pen. It is best to layer the fabrics and batting before cutting. This will insure that all layers are even and the same size.
Stack the three layers starting with one shape with the wrong side of fabric up, then the batting layer, followed by the last shape with the right side of the fabric up.
Sew around the entire shape using a sewing machine if available or using needle and thread. At the top of the shape, be sure to insert some type hanger such as a short length of ribbon or heavy thread. Catch the hanger with the stitching as you make your way around the shape.
Sew a button on each side of the tree shape at the top. You can also sew a button just on one side if you prefer.
The fabric Christmas Tree is now ready to adorn your tree or can be placed on a package as a gift tag or decoration.
By Pam from McMinnville, TN