
Making a Folded Paper Christmas Tree Ornament

Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
November 21, 2019

Folded Christmas Tree Ornament - hand holding the ornaments with fireplace bricks in the backgroundI love reusing/upcycling my children's artwork especially my daughter's! She loves her dotting markers so I figured I would incorporate them into homemade Christmas tree ornaments! These would also be nice as gifts (to grandparents, aunts, or uncles) or to pair with their gifts as a gift tag!


Total Time: 10-15 minutes + amount time for your child to create their artwork


  • child's art work creation (dot markers, markers, colored pens)
  • tape
  • paper
  • string
  • scissors
  • stapler
  • star foam
  • construction paper
  • glue


  1. Find an art piece your child has just finished or no longer needs (ready to be tossed out).
  2. Folded Christmas Tree Ornament - child's dot marker painting
  3. Cut the piece in half (it does not have to be an even cut in size). And fold accordion style.
  4. Folded Christmas Tree Ornament - folding accordion style
    Folded Christmas Tree Ornament - cut into two pieces
  5. Staple one end as pictured, for each piece. Now it resembles a triangle (Christmas tree).
  6. Folded Christmas Tree Ornament - staple one end

  7. Cut a piece of string/ribbon that is long enough to make a loop on the ornament as the hanger and tape at the tip of the stapled end.
  8. Folded Christmas Tree Ornament - one end of the hanger
    Folded Christmas Tree Ornament - string hanger taped in place
  9. Using a foam star sticker - stick it onto the tip of your Christmas tree.
  10. Folded Christmas Tree Ornament - ornament and foam star
    Folded Christmas Tree Ornament - stick the star to the top of the tree
  11. Not to worry - if you don't have foam star stickers on hand, you can freehand and cut your own star from construction paper and hot glue in place!
  12. Folded Christmas Tree Ornament - alternative is to cut a star from construction paper
    Folded Christmas Tree Ornament - yellow paper star on second tree ornament
    Folded Christmas Tree Ornament - two finished ornaments


November 22, 20190 found this helpful

What a wonderful craft to make something a child would love to give to mom, dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt or Uncle or even a friend. I have to share this with my daughter who teaches in our Church's Cubbies program in AWANA. I am sure that she and her head teacher can let the munchkins go before their vacation before Christmas and help them make them for someone they love.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
November 24, 20190 found this helpful

Thank you! It is a wonderful and easy craft idea. I love upcycling my kids art works :)

Crafts OrnamentsJanuary 14, 2020
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