I love reusing/upcycling my children's artwork especially my daughter's! She loves her dotting markers so I figured I would incorporate them into homemade Christmas tree ornaments! These would also be nice as gifts (to grandparents, aunts, or uncles) or to pair with their gifts as a gift tag!
Total Time: 10-15 minutes + amount time for your child to create their artwork
What a wonderful craft to make something a child would love to give to mom, dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt or Uncle or even a friend. I have to share this with my daughter who teaches in our Church's Cubbies program in AWANA. I am sure that she and her head teacher can let the munchkins go before their vacation before Christmas and help them make them for someone they love.
Thank you! It is a wonderful and easy craft idea. I love upcycling my kids art works :)