I made a cute Christmas tree ornament out of Coke lids. You are recycling the Coke lids that you normally would throw away.
Approximate Time: 15 minutes
Plug in the hot glue gun to get it hot first.
Aligned the Coke lids to make a shape of a Christmas tree like in the picture.
It takes eleven to make this Christmas tree. One on the bottom 4,3,2,1 Coke lids until it makes a shape of a Christmas tree.
Tie a ribbon on the very top, there is a hole at the top of the tree to put it through. I just cut the ribbon to the right size long enough to hang on the my Christmas tree.
Use tacky glue on the Coke lids, then, sprinkle glitter on top. Shake off the excess glitter, then you are done.
I made one Christmas tree without glitter, using the glitter is optional.
By Mary from OK