
Tennessee Christmas Charities

Girl in a red coat giving to the Salvation Army.
Every year ThriftyFun gets numerous requests from people looking for help for their families for Christmas. Since we do not have the resources to offer direct help, we have set up this page to help people find charities in each state. This is a page about finding Christmas charities in Tennessee.


This page contains the following solutions.

December 2, 2011

The News Sentinel Empty Stocking Fund provides toys and books to thousand of disadvantaged children in eastern Tennessee every year during the Christmas season. They also provide food baskets, which contain turkey, fresh produce, canned goods and more.

The Metro Christmas Basket Charities, part of The Metro Nashville Police Christmas Charities, put together baskets of food and toys, which are delivered to low-income families in the area on Christmas Eve.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee may be able to provide help with meals for the holidays.


5 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

November 24, 2011

I am a disabled mother of four and need help with Christmas. Do you know of any kind of help I can get for Christmas? My children are counting on me.

By LorettaLynn from Pigeon Forge, TN


November 24, 20110 found this helpful

If you were disabled last year you must have applied for help before. If you are on food stamps ask you social worker if he/she knows of any organizations. Most of the charities that provide this type of help are past the deadline for applying. Most of charities also have an age limit of 12 years for gifts.


I would suggest talking to the pastor of your church, a lot of times a church will take up a special offering for a needy family, however, they won't do it consistently. Also you should explain to your kids that you can't do a lot for Christmas. No matter how young the kids are they should understand that and also shouldn't expect to receive a lot for Christmas. If you could only get each one a $5.00 gift, it would be better than nothing. Kids only need one gift each from the parents, they also don't need the expensive things that are advertised on TV and they don't need designer labels.

I would imagine their Dad will give them something and they must have grandparents and aunts and uncles that give them gifts. Kids don't need a whole pile of gifts. In the past there has been a lot of times I would have had to look for help if I didn't plan ahead and start my shopping in January. I have been all done for at least a month. Even so I only get each of my adult kids one gift and the same applies to each one of my grandkids that range in age from 15-25.


I spend $20.00 on each of them and none of them have ever had anything that was advertised on TV or any designer labels. Call 211, it is the number for HELPLINE!, which is a national clearinghouse that keeps lists of agencies that help people with different kinds of things. Also try the Salvation Army. But I really prefer for people to ask their church for help.

November 25, 20110 found this helpful

Toys for tots helps. Goto Salvation Army and apply. I live in Rogersville, TN and am also a disabled mom with four kids and I understand what you are going through. ps There is hope community church in my town that has an angel tree ask them.


Christmas shouldn't be about expensive presents or presents at all society makes it that way and to a little kid, its a big deal may god bless you!

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December 7, 2010

Can someone tell me where I can find help with kids for Christmas?

By christy from Memphis, TN


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December 7, 20100 found this helpful

I think you might have missed the deadlines. Call the Salvation Army, however in my area they have had a 20% increase in calls for help, and are $300,000 behind in donations. You can also call 211, they are a national organization called HELPLINE. They keep a registry of most of the charities in a given area. Most of the charities also have income guidelines. Just because you feel hard up doesn't mean you qualify.


Low income people have to start their shopping earlier in the year instead of waiting until the last minute. I start no later than February and have been done for at least two months. Also kids only need one or two gifts per child and they don't have to be expensive or what the kids necessarily want or what other kids have. You get what you can afford. Also use your phone book to look for charities.

November 29, 20150 found this helpful

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December 9, 2013

I need help with Christmas for my 2 girls. One has medical issues, she is 3 years old and the other is 22 months old. Where can I find help in Jefferson county, Tennessee?

By Angie from Jefferson


December 9, 20130 found this helpful

Most of the nation wide charities that provide Christmas help have cut off dates for applications of mid-November, that is so they can do their budgeting. Talk to your social worker at the Department of Social Services, they might be able to help you. Also speak to your pastor, sometimes they will up a special offering for a needy family in the congregation. Don't your kids have grandparents, aunts, and uncles that send them things? Also can't you get each one, one small inexpensive item.


The baby could get by with a really cheap stuffed animal. I know at WalMart and other stores you can get them for $5.00. For the older one you can also get things in the $5.00-$10.00 price range. When times are hard they don't need a whole bunch of gifts. I have been there, done that. There were times when my girls were little the new dresses that they wore to the Sunday School Christmas program got wrapped and put under the tree after they went to bed.

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

December 7, 2010

Charities that offer help during the holiday season in Tennessee. Please post feedback about any charities you may know about.

Editor's Note: Do NOT post here if you need help. ThriftyFun does not have resources to give direct help to those in need.


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