
December 19, 2017

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Soil in Hand

Decontaminating Soil Before Growing Vegetables?Contaminates such as pet feces can make a garden plot temporarily unsuitable for growing vegetables. Some plants such as sunflowers are known to remove contaminants. You can also cover the area with black plastic to heat the soil up and destroy certain contaminants. Then test before planting to ensure safety. This is a page about decontaminating soil before growing vegetables.


Christmas Cactus Leaves

Christmas Cactus Not Blooming?Less water, reduced light, and cool temperatures are required for this lovely plant to bloom. Begin making these changes in the fall about 6-8 weeks before bloom time, causing the plant to enter a dormancy period. Once buds appear it can be moved to a sunnier location. This is a page about Christmas cactus not blooming.


Purple Lobelia Flower

Growing LobeliaThese beautiful cascading flowers available in purple, pink, white, and blue varieties can be easily grown from seed. They will work well in your annual garden, planters, and hanging baskets. This is a page about growing lobelia.


Well Designed Garden

Finding Your Garden Design StyleDo you prefer manicured, formal, orderly gardens or more naturalized or even haphazard ones? When planning your garden you can research the various designs and find one the suits your tastes and complements your home. This is a page about finding your garden design style.



Present Wreath - finished wreath

Present WreathThis wreath is perfect to put above your fireplace near the Christmas tree.


A piece of recycled cardboard from a tissue box, wrapped around an appliance cord.

Corralling Cords of Kitchen Counter AppliancesI like the printed designs on Kleenex boxes, they're almost too cute to throw out. I'm sure this sounds like "what" in the world does Kleenex boxes have to do with kitchen appliance cords? Well, when the tissues are used up I cut the side of the box off and use the cute printed wide strip as my "cord holder".


Bean and Potato Dish

Bean and Potato DishI'm always looking for clever things to do with leftovers and in general how to consume vegetables in different ways. I invented this dish as far as I can tell, and I got good reviews from a discerning public, so I thought I would share it. This is vegan but of course at any point meat, cheese or whatever can be added.


A flock of flamingos at Chester Zoo, UK.

Flamingos (Chester Zoo, UK)Unfortunately, this photo is not taken in the wild, but aren't these flamingos beautiful? In the UK, we have few really colourful birds so it is a privilege and a delight to see these elegant creatures, even though they are in a zoo. The photographs were taken in April 2017


String of Lights Nail Art - finished string of lights with red, blue, and green bulbs

String of Lights Nail ArtI love seasonal nail art. This is a continuous string of Christmas lights that goes from your thumbnail to your pinky nail.


Stick and Yarn Snowflake Decoration - finished snowflake hanging on the wall

Stick and Yarn Snowflake DecorationThis is a craft using sticks, yarn, and glue to make a large snowflake you can hang both indoors and out. I used the stick handles from plastic spoons that I had leftover from another craft. You can also use Popsicle sticks or twigs.


Hot Air Balloon Decoration - finished paper plate and plastic cup hot air balloon hanging on the wall

Hot Air Balloon DecorationThis decoration is easy and fun to make and looks cheerful and colourful in a child's room. It is a great rainy day project for children to make themselves. Decorate it however you wish. You don't have to use marker pens. You could try decoupage or collage, stickers, or fancy sticky tape instead.


In Memory of Ivy (German Shorthair Pointer)

In Memory of Ivy (German Shorthair Pointer)We bought her as a puppy in Oroville, CA. The day we went to pick her up she greeted us with a bedroom slipper in her mouth as a gift for us.


Bottle Cap Ornaments - 4 completed ornaments

Bottle Cap OrnamentsInstead of tossing out the bottle caps, you could make ornaments. These ornaments are the perfect size for a mini Christmas tree. You could also use this as an accent when wrapping presents too.


A bottle of soda in a gift bag holding a refrigerator door open.

Propping a Fridge Door OpenI have a lovely fridge in a nice newly remodeled apartment. However, the owners deemed we old folks are too forgetful to close the fridge door so it closes on my head. Literally, if I don't pull my head out fast enough, sometimes hitting it on the freezer handle, it closes on me.


Taurus Adult Coloring Page

Taurus Adult Coloring PageIf your birthday is between April 20 and May 20, you were born under the sign of Taurus. Those born in Taurus enjoy material goods and physical pleasures. Print out and enjoy coloring this Taurus zodiac page.


Using a wire waste basket to clip hair bows and accessories for organizing.

Waste Basket for Storing Kids' Hair AccessoriesI made a storage for hair accessories awhile ago, but fast forward. I found this is the perfect storage/organization solution, a wire wastebasket that I bought for $3.


Mini String Christmas Tree - finished green string Christmas tree

Mini String Christmas TreeI just adore this craft for the holidays! It costs next to nothing to make, yet it's such a great piece of decor.


Christmas Memorial Ornament

Christmas Memorial OrnamentThis is a memorial Christmas ornament. The dates of the loved one's life is painted or marked on the ornament, and the inside of the ornament holds the memorial card and is filled with seasonal decorations.


Two soda bottle caps with earplugs stored inside.

Storing Earplugs in Bottle CapsI often spend the night at my daughters house but sometimes it's not planned. And even when it is I can forget things I might need. Today, I made a nice care package (emergency kit) in a bag I seldom use.


Using old decorated ribbon rolls as a pen holder

Using Old Ribbon Rolls as Pen HolderI had a lot of ribbon holders and tulle rolls left over. So I painted them red and white, glued them together and put pens in them and stuff.


A bottle of coconut oil.

Buy Close Outs To Try New FoodsWhile shopping at Dollar Tree I saw a 7 oz. jar of coconut oil. I figured, for a buck, what have I got to lose. While I haven't cooked with it yet, I have smelled and tasted the oil. Well, not really. That's because it has virtually no smell or taste. Yea!



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Value of Forever Friends Doll?I am trying to find the value of a Forever Friends doll, that is part of the Mandy collection #1367A980.


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Getting Another Puppy After Losing One to Parvo?I lost my 3 month old puppy last month. We don't know the reason. He puked blood and died. I think it may have been parvo. The problem is now we brought this other puppy home. He had his first shot. How do I prevent him from getting parvo?


What Breed Is My Dog? - black and tan puppy

What Breed Is My Dog?I found this puppy 3 days ago. It was left out in the cold and I'm going to take care of it. But I need to know what breed it is. The problem is that it's probably a mix, but I don't know what mix.


Identifying Cold Damage to Norfolk Pine

Identifying Cold Damage to Norfolk Pine?I purchased a beautiful Norfolk pine that is about 3 ft. tall and it was very soft, as they usually are. I left the tree in the car overnight where temperatures outside can get to 30 degree's Fahrenheit. When I removed the tree early this morning it was cold and stiff. What kind of damage will happen and what can I do?


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Removing Nicotine Stains and Odor from Wicker Furniture?How can I get nicotine color and smell out of a wicker bedroom set?


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Heat Pump Causes Breaker to Overheat?I have a heat pump for the emergency heat. When it kicks on the heat strip and the blower motor overheat the breaker, so I replaced it. It's a 60 amp breaker, do I need to put a slightly bigger one in?


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Shrinking a Leather Bracelet?How do you shrink a leather bracelet with words engraved in it without hurting the leather or the words?


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Caring for a Puppy with Parvo?My 6 month puppy has parvo and I don't have the money to take him to the vet. I don't know how to treat for him at home, does anyone have any tips that they can give me on how to care for him?


Dog Starting Pooping and Peeing After Moving - tan upside down in dog bed

Dog Starting Pooping and Peeing After Moving?We have this Jackchi who will be 4 years old in April. We found him over a year ago. He doesn't bark and he's fully potty trained. He has lived with both me and my boyfriend at both houses and we have never had a problem with his potty. After moving together to a new house he is going inside.


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Help Getting a Car for Low Income Senior Citizen?My mother has been here in Atlanta, with me since September. She lives in rural Georgia, where there is no public transportation and she lives 7 miles from any stores or anything. She has been on disability since 2004 due to an injury. She gets $732 a month from Social Security.


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Removing Chemical Smell from Photo Ornaments?I bought a photo ornament and photo cube. Both items have a strong industrial smell that doesn't air out. I do not know if the photos can get wet. Is there anyway to get rid of the smell? Otherwise, I will return the items.


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Car Will Not Move in Drive?I have a 1998 Buick Regal and one day I was driving and it felt like the e-brake was on. I stopped at a stop sign got ready to go and it wouldn't go. I put it into 2nd gear and it went really slow. It goes into 2, 1, and reverse, just not drive. It has fluid in it and it never slipped at all just bam.


What Breed Is My Dog?

What Breed Is My Dog?I'm thinking my dog is a rednose America Pit Bull terrier because she weights 45 lbs and is 19 ins. in height. Is that right?


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