
Christmas Gift Ideas for Husband?

My husband just has to have an iPad for Christmas, which I don't have the $5-600 to spend for him. Any suggestion? other than getting a new husband?

By Brenda Walker Hellstrand from Charlotte, NC

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December 7, 20100 found this helpful

He's grown, right? Mature adults should understand the constraints of a budget. I make jewelry and enjoy metalsmithing. I'd love a rolling mill, but I don't expect and won't be disappointed if my husband doesn't spend $1,000+ for one. Actually, I'd be angry if he spent that much, because we discuss purchases of more than a couple hundred dollars.

Your husband is going to have to get over it. You sound like you're probably reasonable. Don't finance it or put it on a credit card. I think you could either give him something else, or you could put the money you have budgeted for his gift into a dedicated savings account. He can continue to add to it in the upcoming months and then buy it outright when there is enough money. Sometimes we have to make do. And we can't always have instant gratification.

I hope you find something that works out for both of you. And I hope you have a good Christmas.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
December 7, 20100 found this helpful

You get what you can afford.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
December 8, 20100 found this helpful

Ditto with Mrs.Story and Redhatterb! Give him what you want and can afford to give him and then put a large picture of an ipad in a gift box (if he's mature enough to handle it and has a sense of humor) with a note on the back (or front) of the picture saying something like, "Santa is on a tight budget this year but maybe won't be next year." ;-)

December 8, 20100 found this helpful

If he has a good sense of humor and you decide upon another gift that is within your budget. I'd go goggling for an "Etch-A-Sketch" toy that was popular in the 1960's and tease him mercilessly. (Actually, I think you can even find them new for under $12.00.) They are roughly the same size as an ipad and will make a funny joke that we all can't afford all the fancy technology gadgets available today! :-)

Don't know if you and yours are into funny spoof gifts, but if someone in my family asked me for a $500.00 plus gift, this would be under the tree and I'd make them squirm before I gave the "real" gift! Again, all in fun! Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 450 Feedbacks
December 9, 20100 found this helpful

Since he lives in the house with you he knows the budget. Since you cannot afford it tell him to get a second job at a fast food until he has made the cost of the IPod. This seems humorous until you think, why is this man asking for something that we can't afford at the expense of other people at Christmas time?

December 10, 20100 found this helpful

I think I would give him the money I was planning to spend on him and I would put it in a jar entitled "My iPad Fund." Then for all subsequent gift occasions I would add to the jar. Merry Christmas! :)


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,394 Feedbacks
December 12, 20100 found this helpful

Okay, I agree with everyone who said your hubby is spoiled and unreasonable. But if he's anything like my hubby, he wants what he wants, regardless how unreasonable it may be. Here's an idea: if you can find a gently used IPad for a reasonable price, and a few family and/or friends to chip in, maybe it can be done? Your hubby would just have to be content with the one big-ticket item rather than several smaller gifts. Then perhaps your hubby won't do as mine and a brother-in-law did: get what he wants regardless of cost or budget, and force you to scrape by for another year (or two, or three.)

December 14, 20100 found this helpful

Brenda, I took your request as humorous, and not a serious complaint about a spoiled, selfish husband. I was more than a bit taken aback by those whom chose to label your husband as such. My husband and I are constantly teasing each other about our "dream gifts" (both of us knowing well what we can and can't afford).

Although I can't apologize for others' comments, I truly hope you know that your words did not imply to this reader that your husband was incapable of being reasonable. I appreciate the cautious responses posted here, but cannot condone those that assumed your husband is somehow inept and or immature simply because he would like an Ipad. I get that us gals enjoy whining about husbands with our girlfriends. I don't get the assumption that some women consider all husbands are dopes just because of their gender.

Wishing you and your husband (Ipad or not), a Happy, Very Merry Christmas.

December 15, 20100 found this helpful

How bout a new watch. They have lots of different varieties some that don't even need a battery. They can cost anywhere from 150 to around 1000. They are powered by movement from your body or light. They are really nice.


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December 7, 2010

I am looking for unique Christmas gifts for my husband. We have set a budget of $50 and I want to get him some creative, different things. Thanks for your suggestions.


By Leslie Hess from Cedar Rapids, IA


Christmas Gift Ideas for Husband is a great site that has personalized (DUH! lol) gifts for everyone. I found that site 2 years ago and absolutely love it, plus your price range is perfect for their gifts. Hope this helps. (12/02/2009)

By yessy

Christmas Gift Ideas for Husband

If you like to sew you can make him a suit or shirts, pants, etc. Don't let him know you are making them. I made my hubby a nice 2 piece suit for Christmas once. He could not believe I made it without him seeing it, that was the hard part. I had to cover it up several times when I heard him coming in the house. I had something else to sew on if I heard him coming inside. I had some name tags I sewed inside of the suit, etc. Good luck. (12/02/2009)

By kathleen williams

Christmas Gift Ideas for Husband

What about a gift basket with all his favorite things, such as a magazine, candy bars, small bottle of cologne, a cool coffee mug if he's a coffee drinker, some outdoor gear trinkets if he's an outdoorsman. Also print up some "love" coupons that he can get redeemed by you. Such as a back rub or scratch, a batch of homemade cookies, cook his favorite meal coupon, wash his car coupon, etc. Wrap each gift up and place in the basket so he can open up several little presents. Hope this helps! (12/04/2009)


By Sharon

Gifts AdviceDecember 7, 2010
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