Decorating a tiny tree? You can use all sorts of odd things on it. I clipped a bunch of hair clips with red decorative buttons on them onto the branches of one small tree, just the right scale. I also wrapped some branches with fluffy colored hair elastics (put them in a figure 8 around the branch) And at the top - a hair bow!
On the other little tree I draped a collection of junk jewelry bracelets I haven't used (actually inherited from a stylist friend of mine. Same with the hair clips).
The tiny beads are the right scale for the little tree about 18" tall and as they are mostly on elastic, I could hang them diagonally between the branches (the others I draped).
I even put wine charms on the tips of the branches of the wooden tree! (I was trying to camouflage the wooden holders for candles, since I can't put my hand on any and didn't think I would run out and buy any this year). The charms are actually beaded with little cheeses and corkscrews, but you wouldn't know unless you looked very closely!
Maybe you have some of your beaded bracelets, etc. lying around the house which you could re-think and put into use over the holidays for your tree(s).
By Pamela from L.A., CA